Pick Stocks. Make Money.

Compete in sim trading by entering pools and build up your statistics. Manage your active portfolio for your subscribers and monetize your skills.

A rich portfolio simulation experience with over 4,000 tickers from NASDAQ, NYSE, TSE, and the crypto markets.

How will your portfolio measure up?

Compete against the best traders from FinTwit and beyond, challenge their ideas, and learn from trading competition winners. Review positions and backtest strategies when trying to decide who to copy-trade.

Live Prices

Live prices and portfolio updates.

Live Leaderboards

Get ranked and get noticed.

Real Prizes and Monetization

Different prize types and payout methods.

Synced with Discord and WhatsApp.

Receive your fantasy investing and copy trading notifications in your favorite apps.

Transparent and on Point

Performance metrics like average return, trade win %, average win size and loss size.

Patreon-Like Subscriptions

Advanced subscription management for subscribers and community leaders.

Become an idea-leader

Use the Trigga App to become and idea-leader and compete in simulated trading competitions. As you make profitable trades you can win prizes and grow your copy-trading community.
Get Started

Integrate your notifications into your existing Discord server.

Copy the notifications that your subscribers receive to your existing Discord server.

Monetize your investing skills.

Get ranked on the trading competition leaderboard and grow your copy trading community.

Comprehensive trade statistics.

Transparent and verifiable trade statistics summarize  trading competition performance and  make it easy to decide who to follow and copy-trade.

Practice. Compete. Earn. Grow.

Use Trigga's trading competitions to exercise risk control and refine strategies while competing for prizes. Excellent for aspiring and professional day-traders, active investors and long-term passive investors.
Get Started

A design that eliminates pump-and-dump bad actors

Subscribers can confidently analyse copy-trading ideas without worrying  over pump-and-dump risks. Many Discord “stock-signal” groups front-run their investment ideas and sell into the buying wave of their subscribers while simultaneously touting investment return.

Covering only highly liquid stocks and crypto.

The Trigga trading competition and copy-trading platform levels the playing field between idea-leaders and subscribers.

No penny-stocks.

Transparent position entrance and exit process that will make bad-actor behaviour self-evident and self-deprecating.

Comprehensive trade history statistics that capture a user’s true trading record.

Community self-governance.


What are simulated trading competitions?

Akin to fantasy sports, our trading competitions simulate the competitive trading of stocks between a pool of users that are vying to achieve the highest return. The Trigga App facilitates both public and private trading competitions called pools. Public pools are available to all users and private pools are only accessible through an invitation. 
Whereas in fantasy sports where users accumulate points based on their roster’s in-game performance, with Trigga, users move up or down on the leaderboard based on the percentage performance of their simulated holdings. Simulated trading competitions are excellent tools to test and crowdsource different investment strategies.  
Investing and trading competitions are performed in daily, weekly and monthly pools.

What is copy-trading?

In the context of stocks, copy-trading involves the active replication of portfolio holdings based on the buy and sell decisions of a different user that is perceived to have more expertise, knowledge and overall success in the investment field. As the name implies, copy-trading involves copying trades of an individual or a collection of individuals that will ultimately bring you a positive return without you having to do deep research or technical analysis. Within the Trigga App this is achieved by observing the other user’s active portfolio holdings and receiving notifications of any changes.

How are starting stock prices obtained and how often are stock prices refreshed?

Intraday position enters and exits are updated with live market prices. Positions added/exited while the markets are closed will be added/exited at market open on the next trading day. Market open prices are pulled 20 seconds after the opening bell. During the trading day all prices and portfolio return calculations are updated every minute.

Can I see what other competitors hold in their portfolios?

If you are participating in competitive pools, you can see the portfolios of other users only after the pool has closed and the competition has started. Personal active portfolios of other users are only visible after subscription.

How does the active portfolio work?

The active portfolio feature of the Trigga App is available to all users and it’s separate from the users’ temporary portfolios created to compete in pools. Each active portfolio begins with a hypothetical $1 and all “Additions” and “Exits” need to have a minimum weight of 0.05 or 5% of the $1. A position must be fully exited before the user can increase its overall weight in the portfolio. The size of the portfolio can grow or decline corresponding with the holdings of the portfolio and the user’s position management. The active portfolio is permanent and immutable and it's what your subscribers will be monitoring.

How can I set up subscriptions and when can other users subscribe to me?

Subscription functionality will be turned on for users in the 90% percentile of the leaderboard and who have shown a consistent track record of positive returns. The platform takes 20% of your subscription income.

Is there a place for competitive trading simulations, competitions, and copy-trading?

Although paper trading tools exist at different brokerages, their uptake and utility remains limited and  your ultimate skill level is only known to you once you invest with real money and put your capital at risk. The Trigga App bridges the divides between  paper trading, investing communities and entertainment. Our solution incentivizes learning through competitive practice and constant benchmarking to others. It is easier to learn by seeing concepts work in practice, albeit simulated. Use the Trigga App to find the trends, opportunities, and mispricings. The core principles that underpin our Platform are that (1) investing and trading are increasingly becoming a socially-imitative process, (2) investors and traders are inherently competitive people, and (3) financial incentives and profit-seeking are the ultimate objectives.

Without real money, will there be excessive and unrealistic risk taking that will skew investment results?

Although this is true on a one-off basis, a track record of trades with positive results is not a fluke and cannot be sustained by YOLO behavior. The Trigga App uses pool competitions and informative statistics to create an accurate fantasy-trader profile that allows users to assess one another, follow and backtest strategies, and promote users as idea-leaders by subscribing to their content.

Secular trends are not in place anymore, rules are being changed … you have to be on top of it, It’s not buy and hold, you have to stay on top of it.
Jeff Gundlach, Double Line Capital
You adapt, evolve, compete or die
Paul Tudor Jones II, Tudor Investment Corporation
Investors are now in a stock picker’s environment
Leon Cooperman, Omega Family Office
The advantage of active management not only in finding opportunity, but in avoiding pockets of weakness
Rick Rieder, BlackRock CIO of Fixed Income